Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Week 5

Each group was assigned to create a lesson plan using webquest and to present it in class.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Week 6


This activity was done in class. Each group had to create a comic about a product that can enhance learning in the classroom. The comic must be created using Pixton.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Week 8

Weebly Project

1. Description of assignment?
The assignment was to create an account on weebly which serves as an e-portfolio for everyone.

2. What did you like about weebly?
I enjoyed it because it was easy to work with. It allowed me to add pages of what I wanted people to know about, and also allowed me to add photos.

3. What were the challenges?
I did not really encounter any challenges which was a plus for me because I am still learning to use computers.

4. How would you rate this site on a scale of 1-10?
I would rate it at a 10 on the scale because it was fun, fun, fun!

5. What other activities/assignments could you use this site for?
Resume for work:)

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Week 7

iMovie Project

1)Describe the assignment given?

The assignment was to get in a group of 3 or 4 and create an iMovie project that features a product that will enhance learning in the classroom.

2) Describe the challenges of working with the flip cams in creating your commercials? What went well? What are the challenges?

The challenges were minimal because the flip cam was pretty simple to use. I believe the only challenges we encountered when doing this project, was the schedule to meet.

3) What features did you use to enhance your iMovie and would have done anything different?

Our group used sounds, transitions, and other cool features the Mac had to offer:)

4) Rate iMovie software 1-10. Why?

I would rate the iMovie software a 10. It is very easy to work with the iMovie compare to MovieMaker. I enjoyed editing the movie because it was sooooooo easy:)

5) How would you use iMovie and flip cams in your future classroom. Explain?

These product are great for anyone. The flip cams are easy to use. They have a few buttons and they are easy to operate. The iMovie are also really simple to work with. I would have my students use these products when creating a project for school.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Week 4

  • Created a blog

  • Checked out Zoho.com

  • Respond to forum
Week 3

Puzzle-making software.

  •  create your own puzzle and then share with the class.

  • Answer forums #1 & #2 and respond to at least one other classmate

Week 2

  • Everyone worked on wordle using the site http://www.wordle.net to create word clouds.

  • We also worked on bubbl.us using the site bubbl.us/ to create story mapping charts

  • Respond to Blog Sites:  Read through both blog sites: What is a blog? and Top 50 Ed Blogs. Respond to these question topics: 

    1) What is a blog? Why would this be helpful to you as a teacher? What types of
    assignments would you have with your students using a blog? Other
    blogging ideas? 

    2) Explore your choice of one of the top 50
    Educational Web-logs. Why do you think it was a top 50 choice? What
    ideas, if any, did you glean from the blog in which you might use?
Week 1

  • Introduction of students
    1. Mr. Jenkins had every one create a time line using  http://www.teach-nology.com/
    2. Students then shared their time lines with the class.
  • Answer Technology Skill Self Assessment online and email the instructor.
  • Answer forums #1 & #2 and respond to at least one other classmate.