Week 3
Puzzle-making software.
- create your own puzzle and then share with the class.
- Answer forums #1 & #2 and respond to at least one other classmate
Week 2
- Everyone worked on wordle using the site http://www.wordle.net to create word clouds.
- We also worked on bubbl.us using the site bubbl.us/ to create story mapping charts
- Respond to Blog Sites:
Read through both blog sites: What is a blog? and Top 50 Ed Blogs. Respond to these question topics:
1) What is a blog? Why would this be helpful to you as a teacher? What types of
assignments would you have with your students using a blog? Other
blogging ideas?
2) Explore your choice of one of the top 50
Educational Web-logs. Why do you think it was a top 50 choice? What
ideas, if any, did you glean from the blog in which you might use?
Week 1
- Mr. Jenkins had every one create a time line using http://www.teach-nology.com/
- Students then shared their time lines with the class.
- Answer Technology Skill Self Assessment online and email the instructor.
- Answer forums #1 & #2 and respond to at least one other classmate.